Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Golden Rule

"Do for others what you would like them to do for you.  This is a summary of all that is taught in the law and the prophets."  Matthew 7:12 (NLT)

My son is in pre-school.  Behavior is reported to parents by a green, yellow, or red star in their folder that comes home with them each day.  As I'm sure you've already figured, green is good.  Yellow means they got in trouble for something.  Red means they got in trouble multiple times and had to be sent to the director of the school. 

He has come home a few times with yellow stars, after all, he is 3, so sometimes behavior isn't perfect.  He knows we'll be disappointed, so he sounds morose when he tells us he got a yellow star that day.  Today he told me he got a yellow star, so I checked his folder for the explanation.  He had hit another boy, and while in time out, tripped another. (He is going on a rebellious streak lately!)

I asked him, "Would you want someone to do that to you?"


"So, why did you do that?"

"I don't know." (his answer for everything lately)

Each time he fights with his sister, or happens to get in trouble at school, I have him repeat the Golden Rule.  Think it'll sink in?  I sure hope so...

I've read commentary that the golden rule is stated in many religions, but is stated negatively as, "Don't do to other what you don't want done to you."  Jesus has turned the words into more of a challenge by saying, "Do to others what you want done to you."  We don't just avoid doing the mean or unpleasant things to others, but are challenged to show love like we want to be shown.

It could be as simple as a smile and a "hello" to be something that you would like.  You never know when that other person could really need it.  When I'm among a new group of people, I can be a little shy, so I like it when others will come up to me to introduce themselves or just say, glad you're here...whatever the case may be.  I try to put myself in others' shoes, so when I'm on the other side of that situation, I try to remember how it makes me feel when someone makes the effort.

What act of love, goodness, or mercy can you show someone today?

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